creative collages

creative collages

creative collages

april 10

As we enjoy warmer weather and longer walks, bring some of the outdoors back in with you for this week’s STEAMwork nature spotlight. Create beautiful scenes, fun animals, and whatever else you can imagine with materials from nature or whatever you have around the house! [Important PSA, dreamers: remember to be kind to nature and never pluck without permission.]

what you’ll need:

glue, tape, or any adhesive

plain paper or lightweight cardboard

magazines, old books, junk mail, or scraps of paper (for pictures, colors, or scenes)

leaves, sticks, small rocks, or anything from nature (remember to be kind to nature when scoping out materials!)



hot glue gun

recycled materials (egg cartons, toilet paper rolls)

other tips for making a collage:

6 Paper Collage Techniques to Try

10 Tips for Making Paper Collage Art

creative collages

Creative Collages

creative collages

april 10

As we enjoy warmer weather and longer walks, bring some of the outdoors back in with you for this week’s #STEAMwork nature spotlight. Create beautiful scenes, fun animals, and whatever else you can imagine with materials from nature or whatever you have around the house! [Important PSA, dreamers: remember to be kind to nature and never pluck without permission.]

material ideas for your nature collage:

Glue, tape, or any adhesive

Plain paper or lightweight cardboard

Magazines, old books, or junk mail to cut pictures, colors, or scenes out of

Scraps of paper (if you don’t have magazines)

Leaves, sticks, small rocks, or anything from nature (remember to be kind to nature when scoping out materials!)


alternative or optional materials:


Hot glue gun

Recycled Materials (egg cartons, toilet paper rolls)

alternative tips to make a collage

6 Paper Collage Techniques to Try

10 Tips for Making Paper Collage Art