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STEAMwork | design + build

make a weather vane

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A woman making a weather vane our of recycled materials

let's get started!

Use wind and magnetic forces in this STEAMwork design + build challenge. Build your own weather vane to track wind direction, and maybe even make some predictions of your own!


  • a container with a lid that you can cut through

  • paper + markers to decorate

  • new #2 pencil (with eraser fully intact!)

  • glue + tape

  • straw or rolled paper

  • cardstock + laminated cardboard

  • scissors

  • small bowl of water

  • fridge magnet

  • push pin + safety pin

earth’s magnetic field

You can use Earth’s magnetic field to tell you where you want to go. A compass needle aligns with Earth’s magnetic field. People can navigate by finding magnetic north. If you know where north is, you can figure out how to get anywhere. A compass is great for finding your way when you’re out in the field!

The magnetic field has north and south poles. The magnetic poles do not exactly match the geographic poles. So the North Magnetic Pole is not the same as the geographic North Pole. The same is true of the South Pole. The magnetic field is created by the movement of molten metal in the outer core. Earth’s magnetic field extends several thousand kilometers into space. It shields us from harmful radiation from the Sun.

additional resources

Surface area is the amount of space covering the outside of a three-dimensional shape.

A balance point can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. Create a mobile for your room with recycled materials or try balancing a pencil on your nose with two pieces of wire and two clothespins.

more STEAM learning


STEAM Daydream with National Children's Museum, a podcast that elevates children’s voices and answers their biggest questions.