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STEAMwork | design + build

egg drop

more STEAMwork
Someone examining an egg after removing it from plastic wrapping

let's get started!

We’re putting a twist on a classic with this STEAMwork design + build challenge. Using found materials from around the house, create and test your own cushioning system to protect your fragile “egg.”


  • egg or other fragile item

  • cardboard, plastic bags, and other found items

  • glue + tape

  • scissors (be careful!)

additional resources

Curious about the science behind different designs? Watch former NASA engineer Mark Rober demonstrate 5 different designs.

Learn more about potential and kinetic energy with Peekaboo Kidz’s Dr. Binocs.

more STEAM learning


STEAM Daydream with National Children's Museum, a podcast that elevates children’s voices and answers their biggest questions.