episode description
After using a magical machine called Le Petit Artiste, A.J., Aubrey, and Andre wonder what makes art art. With the help of the Museum’s first-ever artist-in-residence Tommy Bobo and 10-year-old Kid Investigator Olivia S., the STEAM Daydream investigative team compares different masterpieces to draw conclusions about the elements of art.
featured in this episode

meet our kid investigator
Olivia S. (she/her)
- from Heidelberg, Germany
- 10-years-old
- favorite school subject: D.E.A.R. ("Drop Everything And Read")

meet our expert
Tommy Bobo (he/him)
- Artist
- fun fact: "The only F I ever received on a report card was for an art class in high school. I would grade my current drawing level as C+.” Remember, grades aren't the most important indicator of creativity or success!
education standards
next generation arts standards
- 5VA:Re8.1.5a: Interpret art by analyzing characteristics of form and structure, contextual information, subject matter, visual elements, and use of media to identify ideas and mood conveyed.
two-dimensional areas enclosed by a line or lines
geometric shapes:
shapes based on math principles and made using straight lines, angles, and points (with the exception of circles, which have no straight lines or points)
organic shapes:
shapes, often curvy in appearance, that are similar to those found in nature
a one-dimensional path that connects two points, which can vary in width, direction, and length
describes the lightness or darkness of a color
refers to the use of positive and negative (or white) space in and around a piece of art used to create the appearance of dimension
how something feels or looks like it would feel