Girl Scouts

girl scout programs

Curious where wonder will take your troop at National Children’s Museum? Learn more about offerings specific to Girl Scouts, and get ready for a hands-on bonding experience that will spark curiosity and ignite passion.

discounted admission

Plan a visit with your Girl Scouts to explore our interactive exhibits on your own. Receive a 10% discount on general admission.

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girl scout day

It’s a Girl Scout takeover at National Children’s Museum! Earn a STEM Career Badge and receive a Museum fun patch.

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Two girl scouts entering the Museum on the rainbow stairs

discounted admission

Imagine, experiment, and engage in collaborative play throughout our 20,000 square feet of interactive science, technology, engineering, arts, and math focused exhibits. Receive a 10% discount on general admission when you submit a request through the Girl Scouts admission form.

Subject to Museum availability.

Young girl climbing in the dream machine
Young girl playing React in the Data Science Alley exhibit

girl scout day 2025

Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors will envision themselves as future STEM professionals as they play in the Museum’s STEAM exhibits, experience hands-on STEM pop ups and earn their STEM Career Badge.

Please check back for the exact date and programming details.

Group shot from Girl Scout Day 2024