placita mágica
A special 50th anniversary exhibit that pays homage to the Capital Children’s Museum.

A special 50th anniversary exhibit that pays homage to the Capital Children’s Museum.
Explore Mexican cultural traditions in this enchanting plaza bursting with STEAM concepts and interactive play. The immersive setting includes decoration, architecture, and cityscape silhouettes of Mexican cities that expand the worldview and sense of place for young learners. In Mexico, plazas function as gathering spots where communities come together. Join us at Placita Mágica to gather, celebrate, and play.
recommended for ages 3 and older
Placita Mágica is sponsored by ABUELITA™ and in partnership with the Embassy of Mexico, the Mexican Cultural Institute and is partially supported through the District of Columbia Executive Office of the Mayor – Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development and Events DC.

exhibit experiences

turn table
Build and test your own spinning tops.

smell station
Activate your memory through smell at Abuelita’s cart.

bernoulli fountain
Launch “water droplet” balls with moving air blowers at the central Bernoulli fountain.

projector table
Use tiles to design your own papel picado projection.

ball maze
Design your own unique cityscape maze.
exhibit takeaways
exploration of Mexican culture and heritage
expanding our world and understanding our surroundings through culture-based experiences
experimentation through active play
working collaboratively with other children and taking turns
where is the exhibit located
all exhibitsPlacita Mágica is located on Floor 1, one level down from the main entrance, next to Data Science Alley and Engineering Games + Play.
museum hours
open: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
closed: tuesdays
adults: $18.95 per person
children 1 and older: $18.95 per person
children under 1: free
members: free