A protected cloud- and flight-themed area for infants and toddlers.
Young learners ages 3 and under, together with their caretakers, will engage in sight and sound exploration while developing gross and fine motor skills.
recommended for ages 3 and under
presented by the bainum family foundation

exhibit images

exhibit takeaways
developing gross motor and fine motor skills
discovering light and shadow
exploring with their senses and trying new things
developing critical thinking and social skills by using their imagination
where is the exhibit located
all exhibitsLittle Dreamers is located on Floor 1, one level down from the main entrance, next to the Dream Machine and Art + Tech.
open: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
closed: tuesdays
adults: $18.95 per person
children 1 and older: $18.95 per person
children under 1: free
members: free